Saturday, March 15, 2008

You choose 5 cards tag ˙(#212) from the USA (Hawaii)

1. Hawaii mapcard "the loveliest chain of islands in the Pacific".

2. Located south of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, the black sand was created from previous volvcanic activity. Hot lava flowed into the ocean forming chunks of black lava, which the tide eventually crumbled into grains of sand.

3. The highest montain in Hawaii, Mauna Kea, looms above the clouds to 13,796 feet above sea level. Measured from the mountain base at the sea bottom, Mauna Kea is the highest mountain in the world. Temperatures well below freezing are recorded at night and during the winter months when the mountain is able to hold its snowfall.

4. Erupting Kilauea Volcano sends a fiery lava river theough the eerie landscape at Volcanoes National Park.

5. Overlooking one of the many waterfalls in Waimanu Valley, Kohala.

Five amazing cards from sandpainter! Thank you!

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